We’re Shlomo and Galit Horowitz. This is LevLA, a haven of hospitality. Our guests are medical patients and their families who have come to Los Angeles for care.
All Encompassing Care
We opened LevLA in 2019. We’re a cost-free, 5-star hotel and home for our medical guests.

The gorgeous LevLA building shares our backyard in Pico. It has six private units, and three fully-stocked kitchens, to accommodate our guests.

Galit serves gourmet homemade dinners. Our massive Shabbos and Yomtov seudos are filled with friends, making LevLA guests part of the community.

LevLA is our family. We form long-lasting friendships as we support our guests through their challenging time.

My personal experience inspired LevLA. I was on the other side of medical crisis.
My late husband, Noam A”H, was hospitalized waiting for a heart transplant in the Cedar-Sinai Cardiac Center. This was just after the birth of my twin girls, who were born to us after seven years without children.
After his transplant, he contracted West Nile Virus and was hospitalized, mostly unconscious. Until Noam’s petira, when the girls were 3 ½ years old, I juggled the twins and my sick husband. I relied on friends for where to stay and what to eat. With the nurses turning a blind eye to my babies, we often stayed in the hospital, with nowhere to go. I was exhausted, yet kept going, trying to keep positive, for my husband and girls.
I know how great the need is for both physical and emotional support in the stress of medical crisis.
It is such a zechus that we are able to provide this!
When Hashem puts us through difficulty, there is always what to gain. The situation I went through is why I can be a listening ear for my guests, providing some relief from the constant worry and stress of medical crisis.

Guest Book
Join our LevLA family!
Take part in this incredible mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim and Bikur Cholim. We cannot do it alone.